October 2020

YOU guys are wonderful.

YOU rang the clarion FIRE ALARM….

when the sleeping U.S. was of the opinion that YOU were:

1. Alarmists and

2. Nuts!

If Nixon was told “There is a cancer on the presidency”

The slogan for Number 45 is “There is an Orange-Plague on ‘all of our houses’ including the White House.”

Good work!  People!

Thanks for STAYING TRUE to your ethics of a NEED TO WARN!

Member of the Public

October 2020

It seems that many of things you and other mental health professionals predicted back in 2017-for example, the ways we could expect Trump’s behavior to worsen over time-have come to pass, sadly at the cost of human lives.  Like others, I can’t say with adequate confidence that this man will voluntarily step down even if voted out.  It also seems we have a contagion of pathology that has surged in society during his presidency.  All this underscores the importance of the work you and your colleagues are doing to bring awareness.

Your consistent and steadfast work to inform us all, through all the means that you do, has informed, helped and calmed me, has given me insights and access to further resources and I thank you so much.

Member of the Public

September 2020

You have been persistent and serious.  Time proved you correct.  Thank you.

Member of the Public

April 2020

Keep up the fight.  You are being vindicated every day, and you will soon be recognized for the hero you are.

U.S. Senator

March 2020

You were right.
Member of the Public

March 2020

I am reading the Dangerous Case of Donald Trump and you cannot imagine how this book is talking to me. What you have accomplished is really therapeutical for those who receive the message. All around the world.

Thank you soo much, for not letting other’s stopping you in your efforts of communication.

Member of the Public from Switzerland

December 2019

I applaud all of the brave professionals who have spoken out about trump’s mental illness. He is extremely dangerous, but I don’t know if people in our government will believe it until the unthinkable happens and then it will be too late.

Member of the Public

December 2019

Trump is endangering our actual way of life. He’s not interested in democracy – he only cares about what’s best for him. And what’s best for him would be absolute unchecked power. Stop thinking “can’t happen here” because it’s already happening.

Member of the Public

December 2019

Thank you for protecting the people!

Member of the Public

November 2019

if as younger officers in our 20s and 30s it was deemed critical to our duties as ICBM combat crew members we were subject to the strictness of the PRP, as with any military or civilian in our chain of command in the nuclear deterrent forces, why would it not be reasonable to place this same critical requirement on the man or woman occupying the one office in our nation with the authority to initiate nuclear war?

Retired Colonel, United States Air Force

November 2019

thank you … for clarification regarding the mind state of those responsible for devastating destruction to the powerless innocent; earth, wildlife and people of the marshall islands.  thank you for teaching us how to grow our awareness

Member of the Public

November 2019

Your work is absolutely necessary and the backbone and foundation to a healthy human society.

Member of the Public

October 2019

If you were not so articulate, so convincing and so indisputable in your first TV appearances, I doubt that they would have stopped you from continuing to come on.  You were so right about everything that was to happen, so early on!

Member of the Public

October 2019

Most people will not connect the dots, since you were so early and people can’t think back 10 days, but you paved the way for all this discussion to happen among non-professionals, George Conway being the prime and latest example.

Therapist Member of the Public

August 2019

I am in total and strong agreement with you [and have been] trying to warn/explain that for the first time in American history (in my opinion) we have someone in charge of the military who would be unfit to hold the lowest rank within the military.

Career military mental health officer, former Chief of Mental Health for two military prisons, and Chief of Combat Stress, Paktika Province, Afghanistan

July 2019

I worked in the Army as a Counter Intelligence Agent.  Most of the subjects you address in your book are actually part of the profiling we do as agents.  Which means there are tens of thousands of military folks with my training that see the same thing you do.  You are not alone in your visions.

Former Army Counter Intelligence Agent

July 2019

Another aspect of the danger that this president presents is the re-traumatization of clients with PTSD.  My clients feel that we, as a country, elected their perpetrator to the nation’s highest office. In a society where their experience is often minimized and invalidated, this represents a betrayal of the highest magnitude.  The stories of the treatment of immigrants at the border, threats of war, ongoing stories of sexual assault, are damaging to the well-being of our people.  Trauma is a wide spread problem in our nation and is in large part the dynamic that fuels the opiate crisis.  The president is a threat to the health and well-being of our nation, even if he doesn’t get us into a war.

Therapist Member of the Public

March 2019

Wow—I thoroughly enjoyed the conference.  Disappointed that there appears to be no mention of it in media. How could a conference with such well known media personalities be ignored?  Something is terribly wrong in our society.

Member of the Public

February 2019

You are a courageous and wise voice that spoke up in a time of danger.

Member of the Public

February 2019

I fear that the seriousness of these assessments was too quickly dismissed by the enthusiasm of the far right upon his election, and by a measure of “let’s wait and see” patience by moderates. I believe that your book is most salient at this time, and so I’ve been encouraging persons to read and/or revisit the book.

Member of the Public

February 2019

I am very impressed with your book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump….  The evidence you presented is overwhelming and is needed to guide our democracy.

Member of the Public

January 2019

I continue to feel that your courage to speak about this is exemplary and that your modesty and careful words make you one of my heroes in the world.  By the way,  I again offer that if you were ever in any trouble or need to go hide, I can put you up!

Member of the Public

December 2018

Whether a patient has a severe organic disease and/or a mental disability, I believe that they should be given the option to get better under accepted treatment protocols.  We demand treatment for our loved ones and even ourselves if we are diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or a myriad of other ailments. Why is mental illness oftentimes not on one’s list of diseases that are in need of repair?

Member of the Public

December 2018

Because of your work and its professionally structured and unbiased value, I again suggest that you and your colleagues release something to provide a full awareness of the president’s irrational behavior.  This week was the week that was—and is—worrisome.  If Mr. Trump can change his position re the budget and other matters because he is more influenced by Hannity and Coulter than military and foreign affairs experts, we are in a very dangerous place.  I am hopeful that you and your fellow experts can speak up again—very soon.   Thank you, and season’s blessings.

Member of the Public

August 2018

[Y]ou are very brave to do what you’re doing about Trump.  People need to hear from professionals just how far off the mark this man is….  I salute you for that.  I imagine you are attracting quite a bit of “flak” because of it.  But the Republic desperately needs citizens like you who dare to speak out.

Former White House Aide

August 2018

I have just finished a re-read [of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump]. Over the past 12 months I’ve often thought of your work and the decline in Mr.Trump’s behavior.  As has been said in the book many times, his behavioral tendencies will only get worse….

Now concluding my second pass through, I am personally obligated to reach out to you and your colleagues.  I am a moderate Republican embracing both Republican themes and social justice themes of the Democratic Party.  I feel obligated under the personal responsibility of us all that “if you see something, say something”….

You and your colleagues are perhaps in the best position to again highlight the very dangerous behavior of Mr. Trump. He has moved very much in the wrong direction–a direction you have predicted that can have dire consequences for our nation and for world order.

I write respectfully but seriously imploring you and your colleagues to collectively take action again to educate the country, Congress, and any in appropriate positions to challenge the behavior of Mr. Trump.  Action must be taken to avoid a potentially catastrophic act on the part of Mr. Trump.  He is dangerous and his behavior must be contained.

Please bring your collective experiences, wisdom, and influence to bear once again, in this more concerning time, with greater strength and demands for action.  I strongly encourage you all to do some in a broad open forum.   Thank you for reading.

Member of the Public

March 2018

Pundits and the public are starting to adopt your language—without giving credit—“dangerous,” “unstable,” etc.

Member of the Public

March 2018

You have been right all along!

Member of the Public