For a safer world

World Mental Health Coalition Documents

The first edition!
27 psychiatrists and mental health experts are among the first to warn
against a dangerous presidency as a public health problem for the nation.

World Mental Health CoalitionWorld Mental Health Coalition

The second edition!
37 psychiatrists and mental health experts warn against the social, cultural,
and geopolitical consequences of Trump’s psychological dangerousness.

World Mental Health Coalition Documents

Read about how such a flawed, disturbed, and even deadly candidate
as Donald Trump could be so popular!

Dr. Lee explains this in terms of the spread of “Trump Contagion.”


Bandy Lee Conference for Fit Leadership




Panelists of the National Press Club conference, “The More Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership,” have issued the following collective statement:

National Press Club Conference Statement

This election comes at a most important turning point in the nation’s history.

For these reasons, top national security experts and leading mental health experts came together as never before, on September 27, 2024, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, to participate in an unprecedented conference.

The theme was, “The More Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership,” organized by the World Mental Health Coalition and led by Dr. Bandy Lee.

The experts feel it is most important to inform the country of the conclusions they collectively reached:

  • Mental fitness is a medical issue, not a political one.
  • The immense powers of the presidency require that anyone elected to that office be mentally fit.
  • In the Nuclear Age, a president must understand that there is no security without mutual security.
  • Fitness for duty and dangerousness are different evaluations than diagnosis of mental illness.
  • Donald Trump has demonstrated signs that may make him unsuitable and dangerous for the White House.

The experts tackled how our country is governed, by whom our country is led, and whether the institutions of our democracy are sufficiently resilient and self-correcting to meet the dangers and challenges of our time.

We urge all Americans to watch the 1.5-hour video summary of the conference, at

We urge all Americans to ponder, as each of us had to do, why we all decided to come together for this singularly important gathering at the National Press Club at this critical time and decided to jointly endorse this urgent statement.



In 2017, we saw that mental health associations were abdicating their responsibility under political pressure and keeping silent about an unprecedented public health emergency.  As a result, we decided to form our own organization and to step in where others placed self-preservation and profit over their ethical duty to protect society.  We now know that an overwhelming majority of mental health professionals agree with our stance.  This is how we became the nation’s first and largest mental health professionals-only organization to address the issue of dangerous leadership and our professional societal responsibility.

However, despite our warning against a “Trump Contagion” that would continue to spread in the absence of proper intervention, the silencing of the most relevant experts of our era—mental health experts—continued.

As a result, our turning our focus to prevention during the Biden years, trying to improve societal mental health as a whole and expanding our vision more globally, the dangers only increased, and we now face a third Trump candidacy.  What could happen if Donald Trump loses the 2024 election is almost as alarming as what will likely occur if he wins, as we now live in a much more dangerous world.  We hope that you will join our mission to preserve our collective mental health, American democracy, and the survival of humanity.