2024 Announcements

Dr. Lee’s New Book is Out!

The Psychology of Trump Contagion:

An Existential Threat to American Democracy and All Humankind

Editor of the New York Times bestseller, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, and author of Profile of a Nation, which predicted a violent uprising after the 2020 election, now vividly illustrates “Trump Contagion.”  Few have better clarified the conundrum of Donald Trump’s effect on his followers, the nation, and the globe.  It is the most critical reading you can do at this critical time!

Order her book here.

Watch for her latest interviews, articles, and updates here

Major All-Day Conference at the National Press Club – With Your Help


We are at an extremely critical time, more than ever before in our lifetime.  The year before the 2020 election we held a major conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.  “The Dangerous State of the World and the Need for Fit Leadership” conference was considered important enough that it was broadcast for all 3 hours on C-Span.  The second edition of our New York Times bestseller, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President, was released at the conference.  As never before or since, we brought together thirteen highly respected experts from many different areas of expertise including psychiatry, political science, economics, philosophy, fascism, politics, journalism, climate science, and nuclear weapons.  The conference was convened by Dr. Bandy Lee, moderated by Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, and among others included Dr. Jerrold Post, the psychiatrist who established the CIA’s program for psychologically evaluating foreign national leaders who in one of his final public appearances applied all of his experience and knowledge to warning about Donald Trump.  Please watch this 17-minute video that opened the past conference as well as some highlights of the conference itself.

We have a rare opportunity to highlight the issue that has been central from the start of Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency and beyond: Trump’s dangerous mental state!  Refusing to do so has already had devastating ramifications, including 1.2 American deaths, most of which could have been prevented, a violent insurrection that came too close to overturning our government, and escalating threats of continuing and expanding social and political violence.  Now, we still face an all-too-possible return of Trump and what he would bring with him to the White House, including the new Supreme Court designation of “Presidential Immunity.”  At this critical time, we now have to work even more strenuously to explain and expose how he came to power in the first place: through what Dr. Bandy Lee has called, “Trump Contagion.”  We must finally contain it, prevent it, and protect our country and our world from it.  Like any other pandemic, we cannot simply expect that it will go away on its own, especially if Trump were to return to the U.S. presidency.

Read Dr. Lee’s Substack article announcing this new, urgent conference: “Major All-Day Dangerous Case of Donald Trump Conference in Washington, DC.”

We cannot make this conference happen without your support – please click here to contribute to our GoFundMe campaign.